Perfectly Imperfect
Friday, 10 August 2012
Review of 'Rimmel Stay Matte Foundation'
Was I was having a carefree day in MAC oo-ing and ahh-ing over all their gorgeous cosmetics and pondering on which one I ought to purchase next?
NO I was certainly not! With only change to spare, I was in tescos wondering up and down like a headless chicken after having completely finished every tub of foundation i owned- literally no drops left even at the bottom! Anyways, here i am torn between going for Maybelline.. a foundation i have been all too familiar with in the past. A foundation I could rely on to give me silky smooth perfection in a flash, no matter what shade i wore!..
Yes i am a very pale madam and at times I buy darker shades in order to make others and sadly even myself, believe I look like I originate from an area of exotic climate! I do confess and tbh I dont know whether this is sad, or if its sadder that I am infact Medeterranean yet do not look it!
Anyways, back to tescos.. mindlessly wondering up and down the isle, 'Rimmel Stay Matte Foundation' Catches my eye and the 'natural-looking' packaging and matte feel of the liquid was enough for the little voice in my head to persuade me into buying it!
After the first use I was REPULSED. IT WAS DISGUSTING. Just reminiscing over this experience is making me VOM! But i must do it, in order to save you, SAVE YOU ALL!
Do not do it friends! If you see a foundation youve never been let down by before, YES, invest that extra two pounds! (Sorry I forgot to mention this Rimmel one was only £5.99, whilst the Maybelline was was £8. something and i needed £2 to buy milk! #StudentLife #DontJudgeMe)
Firstly, it did not provide 'matte' coverage! It was patchy! It dried on my skin quicker than superglue and whether you tried to blend the patches with fingertips, a make-up sponge or a brush, it just wiped it off.
My Advice: Avoid Like the plague. Wait that extra week for payday and invest in a foundation that gives you that 'Ooo-la-la' feeling!
(However, this is the only blip i've had with Rimmel as their mascaras, lipsticks and nail polishes are fab!)
I hope this helped anyone else who gives buying this product a second thought over the pricetag!
How to get a Job at Benefit Cosmetics (UK)
Renowned make-up brand Benefit cosmetics have been very popular for many years due to their amazing quality, 'quick-fix' products. Although i have not worked for them before, i have spent numerous hours researching how to get that job and what the benefits are available to reap! So.. sit back with your marshmellow cocoa and allow your pedicure to dry ladies as you read on and find out all the important info under this one page.
Firstly, you must understand what the job entails.
Working on the counter means you must be superclean and be prepared to multi-task as you try products on customers; ensuring you put lids back on bottles and prevent foundation getting all over that squeaky clean white packaging!
As with any other retail work; you must restock!
After researching, this is a part most workers do not enjoy! However, it must be done! just think of that 2% commission and the free makeup every autum and spring! you must wear promotional accessories such as banners, hats ribbons and badges. As ridiculous as it may feel, it must be done!
Another oh-so-daunting task for the less confident candidates is traffic stopping. My research shows that workers have targets to meet each day and must thus drag potential customers- or force them into even becoming a potential customer- from the shop floor! Be prepared to play dirty as you try to steal customers before they reach rival concession counters!
Last but not least, most reviewers have suggested the following is very cringy, uncomfortable and unatural! However, I- from experience- can say that all is not as bad as appears!- Their Catchphrases! Each product has certain sentances that you must say when demonstrating the product to a customer! I.e ... 'We refer to this as Supermodel in a bottle' and 'So after i have just given you the benefit experience which product cant you live without!' Lines like that.. nothing major.. im sure you would get used to it after a while!
SO.. you still want to work for benefit ? (Which you probably do seeing as they're great!)
Go online and fill out an online application form. If you dont hear from them keep doing it as they are likely to have vacancies frequently as they have a high employee turnover.
If there is an available vacancy, you will recieve a telephone call telling you they want to have a telephone intervew. If you have read this before then do it at the time as i will make you super-ready! If not.. reschedule as there is research involved.
They will ask questions such as 'What do you already know about benefit?' so here you will answer something like ' It was started by the Ford Twins in San Fransisco. They are popular due to their quick 'fix it' products and funky packaging.' Then you might be asked another general question or two. The person will then ask 'Do you know any products?' Here you're just basically name dropping- i.e moon beam, sun beam, full beam, Dr feel good.' Finally, you will be asked 'Why do you want to work for benefit?' Something simple yet truthful like ' Because I love their products!' will suffice!
(Information on the Benefit history and products are all available on the Benefit Cosmetics website.)
If you are successful.. which you should be as its easy-peasy, you will be invited to an audition day!
You will be required to wear black! You should also make sure you are well groomed in order to make a great impression.
On the day you will begin by being shown how to traffic stop, and thus have a go yourself.
You will then be shown how the products are used and are given a chance to practice on each other!
this wont effect the makeup you already have on it will just top it up!
Ok so now you're ready to get onto the shop floor and do it for real!
Around 5 customers would be sufficient! The important thing is to get the customers to come with you to the counter and try the products on them, the amount of sales are not as important but it will help if you do sell units!
This lasts around 3-4 hours
next, you have an interview!
Questions involve things such as why you want to work there, past work situations when you've had to help someone, when you've delt with difficult customers, how you deal with rush-hour/ having lots of tasks and little time etc. Just general questions like that!
Then if you've got the job you can sit back and reap the rewards!
You get every new product that comes out, £150 free product voucher for Part Timers and £200 for full timers! This happens twice a year, around autumn and spring!
Salary also varies between around £6.40- £7.something with 2% commission!
And that is all for today beauts! If you have any further questions or stories feel free to leave a comment!
Firstly, you must understand what the job entails.
Working on the counter means you must be superclean and be prepared to multi-task as you try products on customers; ensuring you put lids back on bottles and prevent foundation getting all over that squeaky clean white packaging!
As with any other retail work; you must restock!
After researching, this is a part most workers do not enjoy! However, it must be done! just think of that 2% commission and the free makeup every autum and spring! you must wear promotional accessories such as banners, hats ribbons and badges. As ridiculous as it may feel, it must be done!
Another oh-so-daunting task for the less confident candidates is traffic stopping. My research shows that workers have targets to meet each day and must thus drag potential customers- or force them into even becoming a potential customer- from the shop floor! Be prepared to play dirty as you try to steal customers before they reach rival concession counters!
Last but not least, most reviewers have suggested the following is very cringy, uncomfortable and unatural! However, I- from experience- can say that all is not as bad as appears!- Their Catchphrases! Each product has certain sentances that you must say when demonstrating the product to a customer! I.e ... 'We refer to this as Supermodel in a bottle' and 'So after i have just given you the benefit experience which product cant you live without!' Lines like that.. nothing major.. im sure you would get used to it after a while!
SO.. you still want to work for benefit ? (Which you probably do seeing as they're great!)
Go online and fill out an online application form. If you dont hear from them keep doing it as they are likely to have vacancies frequently as they have a high employee turnover.
If there is an available vacancy, you will recieve a telephone call telling you they want to have a telephone intervew. If you have read this before then do it at the time as i will make you super-ready! If not.. reschedule as there is research involved.
They will ask questions such as 'What do you already know about benefit?' so here you will answer something like ' It was started by the Ford Twins in San Fransisco. They are popular due to their quick 'fix it' products and funky packaging.' Then you might be asked another general question or two. The person will then ask 'Do you know any products?' Here you're just basically name dropping- i.e moon beam, sun beam, full beam, Dr feel good.' Finally, you will be asked 'Why do you want to work for benefit?' Something simple yet truthful like ' Because I love their products!' will suffice!
(Information on the Benefit history and products are all available on the Benefit Cosmetics website.)
If you are successful.. which you should be as its easy-peasy, you will be invited to an audition day!
You will be required to wear black! You should also make sure you are well groomed in order to make a great impression.
On the day you will begin by being shown how to traffic stop, and thus have a go yourself.
You will then be shown how the products are used and are given a chance to practice on each other!
this wont effect the makeup you already have on it will just top it up!
Ok so now you're ready to get onto the shop floor and do it for real!
Around 5 customers would be sufficient! The important thing is to get the customers to come with you to the counter and try the products on them, the amount of sales are not as important but it will help if you do sell units!
This lasts around 3-4 hours
next, you have an interview!
Questions involve things such as why you want to work there, past work situations when you've had to help someone, when you've delt with difficult customers, how you deal with rush-hour/ having lots of tasks and little time etc. Just general questions like that!
Then if you've got the job you can sit back and reap the rewards!
You get every new product that comes out, £150 free product voucher for Part Timers and £200 for full timers! This happens twice a year, around autumn and spring!
Salary also varies between around £6.40- £7.something with 2% commission!
And that is all for today beauts! If you have any further questions or stories feel free to leave a comment!
Friday, 28 October 2011
Okayy its been just under a year since ive posted anything! so much has happeneddd since then (feel free to comment and share any of your stories).. ive completed my a-levels which im pleased about!
because so much has happened i couldnt possibly write about it ALL ha ha..
but on my latest adventure, me and my friend went out on a bid to meet snoop doggyy dogg..!!!... didnt quite happen though as he had just left to go to europe for his tour!! BOO!! Howeverrrr... we did have a great night out seeing london AND we were able to see a burlesque showwww for freee! woo!
This was at a bar called floridita or something ..:/.. anyways.. the singers were AMAZING and We sawww some pretty fab-looking cross dressers.. not going to lieee their makeup looked soooo good and i was feeling slightly jelous :/ ha ha..! They also did a performance of pussycat dolls- dont'cha! SOOO FUNNY!!
anyways pics are beloowww. :)
because so much has happened i couldnt possibly write about it ALL ha ha..
but on my latest adventure, me and my friend went out on a bid to meet snoop doggyy dogg..!!!... didnt quite happen though as he had just left to go to europe for his tour!! BOO!! Howeverrrr... we did have a great night out seeing london AND we were able to see a burlesque showwww for freee! woo!
This was at a bar called floridita or something ..:/.. anyways.. the singers were AMAZING and We sawww some pretty fab-looking cross dressers.. not going to lieee their makeup looked soooo good and i was feeling slightly jelous :/ ha ha..! They also did a performance of pussycat dolls- dont'cha! SOOO FUNNY!!
anyways pics are beloowww. :)
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Sorry for not posting for such a long timee...
Hey Guys,
Hope everybody had an amazing chrismas and have made the most of the recent sales (Something i will be dedicating a post to in the near future :) , ive been so busy i havent had time to stop to make a post...
Anyways.. one of the main reasons ive been so busy is due to me preparing myself for these january examss X_X eeek!!
Sooo ive decided to make a post to help any of you guys that may be in the same boat as me by providing a few tips when revising! =)
- Time- I know generally people would suggest making a timetable but for me it wont work as i would usually find myself procrastinating... so instead of arranging your revision sessions by time- arrange it by setting yourself goals. E.g. Today i will write up my plan for my english essay, and read the first sub-topic on biology. etc
- Setting- Make sure your in a place where there is peace and quiet and where you cant be distracted. Hence doing it in a messy bedroom will make you think after 'ahh now i know why mums been bugging me for the past week. Let me Clean it up.' Then you use up the day cleaning your bedroom just to avoid your work.
- Drink Water- keep hydrated, it will help your brain keep concentration.
- Snacks- im not sure if this is a psychological thing but i find that eating sugars etc slows my brain down haha so stick to snacking on fruit or veg
- Last but not least... (and i know on this point i am being a bit hypocritical) do not leave it till last minute!! Last week you might be able to get away with, but last day is a nono!)
Anyways, hope this was useful, feel free to comment and share some of your own tips!
Have a fabulous new years!
Hope everybody had an amazing chrismas and have made the most of the recent sales (Something i will be dedicating a post to in the near future :) , ive been so busy i havent had time to stop to make a post...
Anyways.. one of the main reasons ive been so busy is due to me preparing myself for these january examss X_X eeek!!
Sooo ive decided to make a post to help any of you guys that may be in the same boat as me by providing a few tips when revising! =)
- Time- I know generally people would suggest making a timetable but for me it wont work as i would usually find myself procrastinating... so instead of arranging your revision sessions by time- arrange it by setting yourself goals. E.g. Today i will write up my plan for my english essay, and read the first sub-topic on biology. etc
- Setting- Make sure your in a place where there is peace and quiet and where you cant be distracted. Hence doing it in a messy bedroom will make you think after 'ahh now i know why mums been bugging me for the past week. Let me Clean it up.' Then you use up the day cleaning your bedroom just to avoid your work.
- Drink Water- keep hydrated, it will help your brain keep concentration.
- Snacks- im not sure if this is a psychological thing but i find that eating sugars etc slows my brain down haha so stick to snacking on fruit or veg
- Last but not least... (and i know on this point i am being a bit hypocritical) do not leave it till last minute!! Last week you might be able to get away with, but last day is a nono!)
Anyways, hope this was useful, feel free to comment and share some of your own tips!
Have a fabulous new years!
Sunday, 24 October 2010
First OOTD :')
Heey Guyss,
Hope your all well and having a happy Sundayy :)
This is my outfit for the day that i wore to a shopping trip:)Make-up
Foundation : Maybelline new york dream satin Liquid
Mascara: Maybelline new york fullnsoft mascara (applied to top lashes only)
Liquid Eyeliner: 2true effortless eyeliner
Blush: Max factor miracle touch creamy blush
Lipstick: Revlon Matte Lipstick in red shade 600
Have a beautiful evening :) X
Friday, 15 October 2010
1) Firstly begin with a basecoat which will allow your nail polish to last. (I've used: 'basecoat topcoat &nail hardener all in one by BarryM)
2) Next apply 2 coats of your selected colour. Here i've used white.
3) Next apply rough dots across your nails. around 3-5 should do. Here ive used Rimmel London 60 seconds in 260 funtime fuchsia
4) Next using a black nail polish, paint around some of the edges of the pink and paint some random dots in empty spaces
5) Last but not least apply a top coat and ta-daaa! =)
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Today i am going to put this max factor mascara to the test and see if it really makes your lashes as fabulous as they claim. Scroll down to see moree..

Product description:
'Unlike some other volumising mascaras that only create volume at the base, new False Lash Effect Mascara wraps each lash right to the tip for a false lash effect.
Max Factor's biggest ever brush with 50% more bristles gives a sweep of never-ending volume for a glamorous look you never thought your own lashes could give you.'
Okay, so below is a photo of my natural lashes. (Sorry about my eyebrows i like to keep them thick so they may look a little messy lol :o) )
DURING: This was me applying the mascara for the first time. The Brush seemed very easy to use as its lage size provided easy coverage for my lashes.

Product description:
'Unlike some other volumising mascaras that only create volume at the base, new False Lash Effect Mascara wraps each lash right to the tip for a false lash effect.
Max Factor's biggest ever brush with 50% more bristles gives a sweep of never-ending volume for a glamorous look you never thought your own lashes could give you.'
Okay, so below is a photo of my natural lashes. (Sorry about my eyebrows i like to keep them thick so they may look a little messy lol :o) )
BEFORE: Ok so as you can see my natural lashes are not very long and their also quite light!
AFTER: Ta-daa! and the results?- I found it easy and quick to apply. It also provided incredible lash seperation and the length improved dramatically. Volume wise, i though it could have been better but besides that it gets a 5 OUT OF 5!
The greater thing is that it now costs £3 less so is only £7.99 at boots.
WORTH IT!! :o)!
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